12 Super Fun Bridal Shower Themes You Need To Consider - Hummingbird Wedding Advice (2024)

Super fun bridal shower themes, coming your way!

We all know what a bridal shower is, right? A gathering of friends and family to celebrate a bride to be. Food is eaten, gifts are given, and sometimes games are played. Often, there is no real theme to the bridal shower at all. It may have a cohesive look to it, and be super cute, but a real theme is missing. Or, the theme may just correspond to the theme of the wedding. However, there are no hard and fast rules. This means that you have the freedom to consider various fun bridal shower themes, if you’re hosting an event like this soon.

The great thing is, a theme can actually help you host a party. It gives you a blueprint for colors, décor, food, drinks, and even things to do. Plus, a theme is memorable. And, it doesn’t have to be totally on the nose. A theme can be super subtle, or very overt. It all depends on your preference and motivation. Exploring fun bridal shower themes may be a great way to gather inspiration for your event.

12 Super Fun Bridal Shower Themes You Need To Consider - Hummingbird Wedding Advice (1)

Super Fun Bridal Shower Themes You Need To Consider

This post is going to share with you twelve super fun bridal shower themes you need to consider. I’ll do my best to go over each one, and how you can make it come to life. As always, feel free to adjust the idea to fit your own inspired vision.

Let’s get into it!


The first fun bridal shower theme has to do with the Amalfi Coast, which is in Italy.

To set the mood for this theme, you’ll want to go with blue and yellow accents on everything. Also, think lemons and other citrus fruits for pops of color. You can also serve beachy and refreshing Italian inspired food and drinks. For example, light lemony seafoods or pastas, or fresh fruit mixed with cured meats and herbs. For drinks, limoncello or Aperol spritzes will be perfect.


A cupcake themed bridal shower is a super cute concept for the bride-to-be who likes to bake.

To make this come to life, you can have cupcake inspired activities. For example, everyone can bake or decorate their own cupcakes. The set up doesn’t have to be complicated if guests are only decorating. All you have to do is leave supplies out with undecorated cupcakes and they will do the rest. For fun, you could even have to-go boxes so they can decorate and bring cupcakes home. Be sure to provide an apron for everyone, just for fun.

To add to the theme, you could ask everyone to gift the bride kitchen or baking supplies.

12 Super Fun Bridal Shower Themes You Need To Consider - Hummingbird Wedding Advice (2)


I love fun bridal shower themes that are easy to make happen.

For a “main squeeze” bridal shower, the main focus is citrus. You can have citrus fruits and colors everywhere. Centerpieces of lemons. Citrus salads. Citrus glazed main courses. For drinks, a mimosa bar is perfect. The key is to make everything bright and colorful.


Did you ever read The Great Gatsby? It was a decent book, one that grew on me over time.

The Great Gatsby is set in the roaring 20’s. Not the 20’s we’re currently in. The 1920’s. When everyone was partying, drinking whiskey and champagne, and dancing the night away. The style was art deco. The colors were black and gold. To throw a Gatsby shower, ask everyone to dress up. Give them boa’s or pearls to wear. Have fun with it. Use drinking glasses that are a bit old school. It’ll be a fun time for the right crowd.


A bridal brunch bridal shower is such a popular concept, and has totally been done before. However, it’s worth mentioning because just about anyone can pull it together.

Of course, a bridal brunch can be held at a brunch restaurant. This may be pricey, but the setup, prep, and cleanup is minimal. Or, a bridal brunch can be hosted at a home with either delivered, catered food, or home cooking. The food can be kept simple. Mini pancakes, quiches, fruit, and pastry can all be made ahead of time. A yogurt bar with lots of toppings is cute, too. Of course, champagne and coffee for drinks. Easy peasy.

12 Super Fun Bridal Shower Themes You Need To Consider - Hummingbird Wedding Advice (3)


Are you a Food Network fan? If so, I’m sure you’ve heard of The Barefoot Contessa.

If you’ve ever watched The Barefoot Contessa, you know that she cooks with love. In fact, she often cooks for, talks about, and is featured eating with her husband, Jeffry. So, why not have a bridal shower in her honor? Guests can have the option to be barefoot (honestly, I don’t know if she cooks barefoot, but it’s kind of fun to think about), or wear comfy slippers. Games can be played where the BC’s cookbooks are given as gifts. Her recipes could be printed on cards as favors. And, of course, the host can serve her most popular meals. Super cute for the food TV loving bride.


Alright, this is one of those pun-ny bridal shower themes, but it’s a fun one.

An ice cream themed shower. You know, “scooped up”. So cute, right?

The host for this type of shower doesn’t have to think too hard. I mean, she can serve ice cream, root beer floats, or other sweets that make sense to her and the bride. The whole shower can be sweet and bubbly, interpreted as the host sees fit. This is a perfect shower for summer, and can be a fun way to indulge.


A farmer’s market bridal shower is perfect for the bride who likes things sustainable, local, and flavorful.

To throw a farmer’s market shower, it’s all about being intentional with what’s being served. For example, all local produce and ingredients. The décor can be gorgeous local and seasonal flowers. And, favors can be baked goods from a local business, or small jars of local honey. This is a great theme to pair with a “picnic” theme, keeping things light, bright, airy, and outside.

12 Super Fun Bridal Shower Themes You Need To Consider - Hummingbird Wedding Advice (4)


Is the bride-to-be a reader? If so, she may be a Jane Austen fan.

If you’re not that familiar, popular Jane Austen books include Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Emma, Persuasion, Northanger Abby, and Mansfield Park, among others. A Jane Austen bridal shower could pay homage to all of her work, or just one book in particular.

To throw this kind of shower, think old school. Like, early 1800’s. A tea party, maybe. Civilized. Pastel colors, dresses, and maybe white gloves or parasols for fun. Small finger sandwiches and delicate desserts. Books can be placed around as centerpieces and bookmarks can be given as favors. Cute, right? Well, if you’re a reader, it could be.


Who doesn’t love Hawaii? As someone from California, Hawaii holds a special place in my heart since it’s relatively easy to get to from the west coast. I mean, a Hawaii shower would be fun for just about anyone.

To throw a Hawaii themed bridal shower, think about a beachy vibe, but with a tropical spin. Everyone can wear leis around their necks, or hibiscus in their hair. The drinks served can have a pineapple or coconut base, and be served with lots of accessories. The food can be rice, macaroni salad, and pork. Plus, of course, Hawaiian bread roles. That sort of thing. Yes, it all may be a bit stereotypical, but it’s fun nonetheless.

12 Super Fun Bridal Shower Themes You Need To Consider - Hummingbird Wedding Advice (5)


If you have ever watched The Gilmore Girls, you know what kind of vibe bridal showers with it as a theme can bring.

A Gilmore Girls shower is perfect for a fall bride. It invokes images of being cozy, drinking hot coffee, and having lots of options for foods like french fries, sliders, tacos, and pizza. An old movie can be playing, muted in the background. And, everyone can talk really, really fast. Okay, maybe not the last tip. But you kind of get what I mean. I’m sure there are fun games that can be set out for the shower, like Gilmore Girls trivia or mad libs that reference quotes from the show. It’s a fun theme, for the TV loving fall bride.


Look, I’m just naming 2002 because it’s the year I graduated high school. You pick whatever year makes sense to you. Maybe it’s the year the bride graduated. Or, the year she was born.

Bridal shower themes that are all about a specific year can be really fun. The music can be from that year. Everyone can dress up like they are still in that year. Magazine print outs of the hottest bands or stars can be used as décor, either taped on the wall or in frames. Even the food can bring back memories of the past. Honestly, this theme can also tap into a certain decade, if it’s meaningful to the bride.


Friends, there are endless options when it comes to bridal shower themes. As long as the bride is cool with the idea, and it kind of makes sense, you can do whatever works for the situation. Of course, a tried-and-true shower with beautiful flowers and a color scheme is fine, too. However, a theme may help you generate ideas and really roll with them. Happy bridal shower planning!

More On Bridal Showers From Hummingbird Wedding Advice

Eight Alternative Bridal Shower Ideas

Virtual Bridal Showers: Ideas For Games, Activities, and Entertainment

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12 Super Fun Bridal Shower Themes You Need To Consider - Hummingbird Wedding Advice (2024)
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