7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (2024)

by Stephanie | Nov 19, 2018 | Simple Living

7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (1)

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Like many of you, I drink several cups of coffee a day. I don’t typically drink hot tea, however when the weather starts to get chilly (here in Maryland that is around the end of September) you really can’t beat an awesome cup of hot tea.

A Hot Toddy to be exact.

A Hot Toddy is traditionally a hot drink of honey and herbs mixed with liquor such as scotch, bourbon, or whiskey. An evening Hot Toddy is one of my favorite things about fall and winter.

My go to for a long time has always Celestial’s Sleepytime tea with some sugar or honey and a shot of bourbon. It is an awesome nightcap. However, after discovering that the main ingredient, Chamomile, is a natural blood thinner, I decided to try some alternative recipes to change it up a bit.

One of my FAVORITE Companies to buy looseleaf tea from is Farmhouse Teas.

Read on for some awesome hot toddy recipes to make your fall/winter cozy and warm!

7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (2)

Your 1st Step to a Simple Living Lifestyle!

A great place to start with Simple Living is to start making your own cleaning and personal products!

With this FREE eBook, you can easily get started with over 10 quick but effective recipes that use ingredients you already have in your house!

1) Hot Cinnamon Chai

Cinnamon Chai tea truely encompasses the essence of fall for me. It is just the perfect fall drink, alcohol or not.

Don’t forget to add the milk! It is a chai tea if it isn’t brewed with both hot water and hot milk.

Let me know what you think!

7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (3)

Hot Cinnamon Chai



  • 12ozHot Water
  • 2Twinings Chai tea bags
  • 2tbspsugar
  • 1splash milk
  • 1ozCinnamon Liquor We used Fireball


  1. Add boiling water to a mug.

  2. Seep tea bags in hot water according to directions.

  3. Add sugar, liquor, and milk.

  4. Garnish with star anise and cinnamon sticks.

7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (4)7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (5)

Click image above to check it out on Amazon

2) Traditional Hot Toddy

Traditionally used as a cold remedy, I was a little skeptical because it is essentially hot watered down bourbon, which isn’t too appealing.

However, with the lemon and honey, it really transforms into an soothing and refreshing hot drink.

I could see it working wonders for a cold.

Give it a try!

7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (6)


Traditional Hot Toddy

Servings 1


  • 12ozHot water
  • 1 1/2ozBourbonWe used Jim Beam
  • 1tbsphoney
  • 1lemon slice
  • 4dropslemon juice


  1. Add boiling water to a mug.

  2. Add bourbon

  3. Add honey, lemon slice, and lemon juice

3) Refreshing Mint

I expected not to like this one. I was worried that it would be too minty but it was DELICIOUS. The perfect amount of sweet mint, not harsh mint flavor.

I DEFINITELY recommend. In fact, this has become a regular for me. Hope you enjoy!

7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (7)


Refreshing Mint Hot Toddy


  • 12ozHot water
  • 1Bigelow Mint Medley tea bag
  • 1 1/2ozPeppermint SchnappsWe used Leroux Peppermint Schnapps
  • 2 tspsugar


  1. Add boiling water to a mug.

  2. Seep tea bag in boiling water according to directions.

  3. Add Peppermint Schnapps and sugar.

7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (8)7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (9)

Click image above to find Bigelow Mint Medley Tea on Amazon

4) Soothing Night Cap

This is my original go-to recipe and one that I still have quite often. It is soothing, relaxing and sweet. It really adds a cozy feel to your evening.

7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (10)

Soothing Night Cap Hot Toddy


  • 12 ozHot water
  • 1Bigelow Sweet Dreams tea bag
  • 1ozHoney Irish Mist
  • 2tspsugar


  1. Add boiling water to a mug

  2. Seep tea bag in boiling water according to instructions.

  3. Add Honey Irish Mist and sugar.

7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (11)7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (12)

Click image above to find Celestial Sleepytime Tea on Amazon

7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (13)

Your 1st Step to a Simple Living Lifestyle!

A great place to start with Simple Living is to start making your own cleaning and personal products!

With this FREE eBook, you can easily get started with over 10 quick but effective recipes that use ingredients you already have in your house!

5) Egyptian Licorice

I really did not know what to expect with this one. I hear “licorice” and I am it to taste like black jelly beans. This did not! It was surprising sweet with a little bite but very pleasant!

Let me know what you think!

7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (14)

Egyptian Licorice Hot Toddy



  • 12 ozBoiling water
  • 1Yogi Egyptian Licorice tea bag
  • 2tsphoney
  • 1ozJim Bean Bourbon


  1. Add boiling water to a mug.

  2. Seep tea bag in boiling water according to instructions.

  3. Add honey and bourbon.

7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (15)7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (16)

Click image above to find Yogi Egyptian Licorice Tea on Amazon

6) Lemon Lavender Hot Toddy

While I love the smell of lavender, I don’t know if I have ever TASTED it. I wasn’t sure how this one would go but I was pleasantly surprised.

It has a refreshing, floral scent as you would expect and was really quite nice.

The Disaronno is sweet on its own, so you do not need to add additional sweetener.

Try the recipe!

7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (17)


Lemon Lavender Hot Toddy


  • 10 ozHot water
  • 1Celestial Lemon Lavender Lane tea bag
  • 1ozAmeretto Liqueur (Disaronno)


  1. Add boiling water to a mug.

  2. Seep tea bag in boiling water according to instructions.

  3. Add Disaronno.

  4. Stir thoroughly.

7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (18)7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (19)

Click image above to find Celestial Lemon Lavender Lane Tea on Amazon

7) Spicy Ginger Hot Toddy

Wow, I really enjoyed this one!

It was spicy, but not HOT spicy.

The ginger in this tea is flavorful and adding some cinnamon whiskey creates another layer of spice.

This recipe will become a regular evening treat.

Give it a try!

7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (20)


Spicy Ginger Hot Toddy


  • 10 ozHot water
  • 1Yogi Ginger tea bag
  • 1ozCinnamon WhiskeyWe used Fireball.
  • 2tsphoney


  1. Add boiling water to a mug.

  2. Seep tea bag in hot water according to instructions.

  3. Add Cinnamon Whiskey and honey.

7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (21)7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (22)

Click image above to find Yogi Ginger Tea on Amazon

7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (23)

Your 1st Step to a Simple Living Lifestyle!

A great place to start with Simple Living is to start making your own cleaning and personal products!

With this FREE eBook, you can easily get started with over 10 quick but effective recipes that use ingredients you already have in your house!

7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (24)


Welcome to Wingin’ it on the Homestead! My name is Stephanie Leaf. I am a wife to a can-fix-anything husband, mother of two boys under 3, future expert gardener, lover of anything old and dusty, and inspiring homesteader. My family and I are new to this journey and loving every minute of it. Please join me in embracing a simpler life!

We participate in the Amazon Associates Program. Please assume that all Amazon links are affiliate links. Affiliate links are links to third-party products and services. If you use those links and make a purchase, we will receive a small commission. Using these links will not cost you any extra money. An affiliate relationship does not change or influence the nature of the recommendation or opinion.

7 Cozy Hot Toddy Recipes to Enjoy This Winter (2024)


Can you drink a hot toddy every night? ›

Best consumed in small doses and infrequently, Hot Toddies can only be served as as medicine to those 21 and over, should not replace a medical professional's advice, and are best followed by a tall glass of water, some herbal tea, and plenty of rest and TLC.

What whiskey is best for hot toddy? ›

You can use Tennessee whiskey, Irish whiskey, and any go-to campfire whiskey but if you want to drink like a pro and you're curious which liquor is best for hot toddy, we say Scotch whisky (especially sherry bomb single malt). It's classic.

What is the best whiskey for a cough? ›

Irish whiskey, known for its gentle, fruity notes, or wheated bourbons like Maker's Mark, which are milder and sweeter, are ideal choices. These types of whiskey, combined with honey's natural soothing properties and lemon's refreshing tang, create a hot toddy that's both comforting and kind to a sore throat.

What tea is best for a hot toddy? ›

You can use whatever tea you want for a hot toddy, and any full-bodied, flavorful tea that can stand up well to the strong flavors of spirits and lemon is a good option.

What does a hot toddy do to your body? ›

A hot toddy is a home remedy made from common household ingredients to treat the symptoms of cold and flu. The ingredients are warmed and ingested as a drink to help with sore throat pain, runny nose, and cough. The ingredients for a hot toddy are a combination of lemon or lemon juice, honey, and hot water.

Do doctors recommend a hot toddy? ›

Adding spices, such as ginger, to a hot toddy may also have benefits. There is, however, no evidence to suggest that alcohol can help with the symptoms. Doctors often recommend that people avoid drinking alcohol when they have a cold or flu.

How many hot toddies should you have? ›

While the alcohol in one drink is great for falling asleep and feeling rested, one too many and you may wake up the next morning with worse symptoms than you had before. So stick to one, and you should be good to go.

Is Crown Royal a whiskey or bourbon? ›

Specifically, Crown Royal is a Canadian whisky, and even though this technically uses a bourbon mashbill (64% corn, 31.5% rye, 4.5% malted barley), bourbon can only be made in America. Though the TTB originally approved the label, they reversed their decision and forced the brand to stop using the name 'Bourbon Mash'.

What's in a hotty toddy? ›

To make a hot toddy, you'll need bourbon (which is a type of whiskey), honey, lemons, cinnamon sticks, star anise pods, and whole cloves. Simply combine the bourbon, lemon juice, and honey in a mug and add boiling water (use more or less water depending on how strong you'd like your hot toddy to be).

What is the best alcohol to drink to stop coughing? ›

Blanco tequilas especially with lemon and salt act as a quick remedy against sore throat and cough. The alcoholic drink helps in clearing sinuses. The agave flavor is also said to have anti-inflammatory properties. Hence, Blanco tequilas are among the best drinks for sore throat and cough.

Is a shot of whiskey a day good for you? ›

Whiskey has high levels of polyphenols, plant-based antioxidants linked with lowering your risk of heart disease. The polyphenols in whiskey have been shown to decrease “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and increase “good” cholesterol (HDL) levels, and reduce triglycerides, or fat in your blood.

What alcohol is the healthiest? ›

5 healthier drink options
  • Dry red wine. Lower in sugars and higher in antioxidants. ...
  • Dry white wine or champagne. Pretty much the same reasoning as above, just without the extra antioxidants.
  • No-fuss co*cktails. ...
  • Light beer. ...
  • Hard kombucha.
Oct 19, 2023

What food pairs well with a hot toddy? ›

Buttery, flaky pastries like our Ham, Swiss & Apricot Pinwheels are a nice, light complement to the hot toddy. Our savory ham and swiss provide some much-needed contrast while apricot preserves enhance the sweet notes.

What is hottie tottie? ›

It might also not be a coincidence that a "hot toddy" is an alcoholic drink (a warm drink of whiskey or brandy), and that the student body and fans enjoy quite a party atmosphere on The Grove in Oxford for home games. Wherever it comes from, the phrase is something that Alabama fans can surely appreciate.

What's the difference between a hot toddy and a hot whiskey? ›

A hot toddy, also known as hot whiskey in Ireland, and occasionally called southern cough syrup within the Southern United States, is typically a mixed drink made of liquor and water with honey (or in some recipes, sugar), lemon, herbs (such as tea) and spices, and served hot.

What are the risks of toddy? ›

The ingestion of as little as 10 ml of methanol can cause permanent blindness and 30 ml can be fatal (Lal et al. 2001) . Methanol is metabolized by alcohol dehydrogenase that converts it to formaldehyde and finally to formic acid, the metabolite responsible for its toxicity. ...

Is a hot toddy good for your immune system? ›

First, the good news: a hot toddy, made of whiskey, water, honey, and sometimes add-ons like cinnamon, cloves and lemon, does contain some beneficial ingredients. Research also finds honey helpful in killing viruses and bacterial pathogens.

Is a hot toddy good or bad for a cold? ›

But as it turns out, a Hot Toddy is actually pretty great, from a scientific perspective, at soothing your cold. The reason many of us use cold and cough drugs like NyQuil is because they not only ease our congestion, but they help us fall asleep, too.

Is a whiskey nightcap good for you? ›

Drinking whiskey before bed might help you relax and get some Zzz's. Just be sure to keep it light and don't rely on it as a sleep aid. Too much whiskey can have the opposite effect and can disrupt your sleep.

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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.