Groomsmen Boutonnieres: A Complete Guide to Choosing and Styling Wedding Flowers (2024)

Weddings are a celebration of love, unity, and the beginning of a lifelong journey. Every detail, no matter how small, plays a significant role in making the day memorable. One such detail that often goes unnoticed but holds immense significance is the groomsmen boutonniere.

Groomsmen Boutonnieres: A Complete Guide to Choosing and Styling Wedding Flowers (1)

What is a Boutonniere?

A boutonniere, pronounced as 'boot-uhn-neer', is a floral decoration worn by men on special occasions, especially weddings. Traditionally pinned to the left lapel of a tuxedo or suit jacket, it complements the overall attire and adds a touch of elegance.

Why Groomsmen Boutonnieres?

The tradition of wearing boutonnieres dates back centuries and has evolved over time. While today it's seen as a fashionable accessory, the boutonniere holds deeper significance, especially when worn by groomsmen at weddings.

  1. Symbolism and Tradition:

    • Bond of Brotherhood: The boutonniere symbolizes the deep bond and camaraderie between the groom and his groomsmen. It's a nod to their shared memories, adventures, and the pivotal roles they've played in each other's lives. By wearing a boutonniere, the groomsmen are not just showcasing their style but also their commitment to standing by the groom's side on one of the most important days of his life.
    • Protection and Good Luck: Historically, boutonnieres were believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck. The groomsmen, being the groom's closest allies, wore them as a symbol of protection for the groom, ensuring his wedding day went off without a hitch.
  2. Aesthetic Appeal and Cohesion:

    • Elevating the Ensemble: A well-chosen boutonniere can significantly elevate the look of the groomsmen. It adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to their attire, ensuring they stand out while still blending seamlessly with the wedding theme.
    • Creating a Cohesive Look: Weddings are all about unity, and what better way to showcase that than by having the groomsmen wear matching or complementary boutonnieres? It ties their look together, creating a harmonious visual appeal. Moreover, it aligns with the bridesmaids' bouquets and the overall color palette of the wedding, ensuring a consistent and coordinated aesthetic throughout.

In essence, groomsmen boutonnieres are not just floral accessories; they're emblematic of the deep-rooted traditions, bonds, and aesthetics that weddings represent. They add layers of meaning, beauty, and unity to the celebration, making them an indispensable part of the ceremony.

Groomsmen Boutonnieres: A Complete Guide to Choosing and Styling Wedding Flowers (2)

Choosing the Perfect Boutonniere

Selecting the ideal boutonniere for your groomsmen is more than just picking a flower that matches the color scheme. It's about understanding the nuances of design, the significance of the flower, and ensuring it resonates with the overall theme of the wedding. Here's a deeper dive into the art of choosing the perfect boutonniere:

  1. Match with the Bridal Bouquet:

    • Complementary Design: The boutonniere should ideally complement the bride's bouquet in design and color. This creates a harmonious visual appeal and ensures that the wedding party looks coordinated. For instance, if the bride's bouquet features white roses with hints of lavender, a white rosebud or a sprig of lavender can be an excellent choice for the boutonniere.
    • Symbolism: Some flowers hold specific meanings. Roses, for example, symbolize love and passion, while lilies represent purity. Choosing a flower that aligns with the sentiments of the day can add depth to your choice.
  2. Seasonal Flowers:

    • Availability and Freshness: Opting for flowers that are in season ensures that they are readily available and at their freshest. This not only makes them more vibrant but also more durable throughout the ceremony.
    • Eco-friendly Choice: Seasonal flowers often have a smaller carbon footprint as they don't need to be imported from far-off places. This makes them an eco-friendly choice for environmentally conscious couples.
  3. Size and Proportion:

    • Subtlety is Key: While the boutonniere should be noticeable, it shouldn't overshadow the rest of the groomsmen's attire. A boutonniere that's too large can look out of place and cumbersome. Aim for a size that's elegant and doesn't dominate the lapel.
    • Proportion to the Attire: Consider the style and cut of the groomsmen's suits or tuxedos. A more traditional, broad-lapel suit might accommodate a slightly larger boutonniere, while a slim-fit, modern suit might call for something more delicate.
  4. Personal Touch:

    • Incorporate Personal Elements: If there's a particular flower or element that holds sentimental value, consider incorporating it. Maybe it's a flower from a place where the groom and his best man shared a memorable adventure or a herb that holds familial significance.
    • Customization: Each groomsman is unique, and while having a cohesive look is essential, adding a slight variation to each boutonniere can celebrate their individuality.

Groomsmen Boutonnieres: A Complete Guide to Choosing and Styling Wedding Flowers (3)

Styling Tips for the Best Man and Groomsmen

The boutonniere, while small, can make a significant impact on the overall look of the best man and groomsmen. It's essential to style it correctly to ensure it complements the attire and doesn't become a distraction. Here are some detailed styling tips to help the best man and groomsmen look their absolute best:

  1. Positioning:

    • Correct Placement: The boutonniere is traditionally worn on the left lapel, pinned about 4 inches below the shoulder seam. It should sit flat against the lapel, neither protruding outward nor sinking in.
    • Angle: The boutonniere should be angled slightly inward, following the line of the lapel, to create a streamlined look.
  2. Harmony with Other Accessories:

    • Tie and Pocket Square Coordination: Ensure that the boutonniere color doesn't clash with the tie or pocket square. Instead, it should either match or complement them. For instance, if the tie has a floral pattern, pick a color from the pattern for the boutonniere.
    • Cufflinks and Watches: While these accessories are on the wrist and hands, it's essential that they don't overshadow the boutonniere. Opt for subtle, classic designs that complement the overall look rather than compete with it.
  3. Durability:

    • Choose Robust Flowers: Some flowers are more delicate than others. For a long event, it's wise to choose flowers that won't wilt easily, such as roses, orchids, or carnations.
    • Backup Plan: It's always a good idea to have a spare boutonniere on hand. Accidents happen, and having a backup ensures that a damaged or wilted boutonniere can be quickly replaced.
  4. Personal Touch:

    • Reflect Personality: While cohesion is essential, each groomsman can have a slight variation in their boutonniere to reflect their personality. For instance, if one groomsman is known for his love of the outdoors, a touch of greenery or a rustic element in his boutonniere can be a thoughtful touch.
    • Memorable Elements: Consider adding small, meaningful elements to the boutonniere, like a tiny photo locket or a charm, to make it even more special.
  5. Safety First:

    • Secure Pinning: Ensure that the boutonniere is securely pinned to avoid any mishaps. Using two pins in an 'X' formation can provide added security.
    • Avoid Stains: Be cautious while pinning the boutonniere to prevent any sap or moisture from the flower from staining the suit.

Groomsmen boutonnieres might seem like a minor detail, but they hold a world of significance. They symbolize the bond, add aesthetic appeal, and play a pivotal role in the wedding theme. So, when planning your wedding, give these floral gems the attention they deserve. After all, it's the little details that make the big day unforgettable.

Groomsmen Boutonnieres: A Complete Guide to Choosing and Styling Wedding Flowers (2024)
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