How To Make Paleo Marshmallows - Sugar Free Marshmallow Recipe (2024)

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So guess what? I finished my first Whole30! Today is Day 31, and I did it, I actually did it. You can read about my Whole30 experience here, which also includes a full food journal of what I ate every day.

Paleo Marshmallow Recipe

How To Make Paleo Marshmallows - Sugar Free Marshmallow Recipe (1)

Now, I’m not like some ridiculous ravenous sugar-craving monster after 30 days without sweets looking for some refined sugar, but I could go for a little something naughty, like dark chocolate, especially considering it was Easter 2 days ago and everyone in the house was shoving jelly beans and Reese’s PB Eggs in their mouths while I sat and watched. I certainly could have just saved some for myself or gone out and bought my own post-Easter-sale-candy, but I didn’t want to just dive off the wagon head first into a pile of candy. So I thought of something deliciously satisfying that wasn’t ridiculously loaded with junk, like some homemade marshmallows.

How To Make Paleo Marshmallows - Sugar Free Marshmallow Recipe (2)

I have been saving this paleo friendly marshmallow recipe on Pinterest for a while now, and knew it would be one of the first things I made once I was done with the Whole30, i already was seeing myself making homemade marshmallows, with vanilla extract, and of course, gluten free. It did NOT disappoint! Next up is different flavors and ingredients, I’m thinking either mint or mint/chocolate, with cocoa powder, will be next. Or maybe toasted coconut. Or strawberry, or peanut butter (fluffernutter!!!), or pumpkin, or blueberry, or cinnamon. I should stop now. And make more paleo marshmallows. Ha!

PS: You should probably most definitely dip the paleo marshmallows in chocolate. I did this as an afterthought and it. YUM.

How To Make Paleo Marshmallows - Sugar Free Marshmallow Recipe (3)
How To Make Paleo Marshmallows - Sugar Free Marshmallow Recipe (4)

Paleo Marshmallows

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Inactive Time: 4 hours

Total Time: 4 hours 50 minutes


  • 1 cup Water, divided into 1/2 cups
  • 3 Tbsp Grass Fed Beef Gelatin
  • 1 cup Honey
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • Coconut Oil
  • Arrowroot starch, you can also use other coatings such as cocoa, toasted coconut, cinnamon, etc, to coat the outsides of the marshmallow
  • Chocolate, any kind you want, we used Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips


  1. Line an 8×8 pan with parchment paper in both directions, leaving overlay on all sides to use as handles to remove the marshmallows when they're done.
  2. Lightly grease the parchment paper with coconut oil and sprinkle with a layer of arrowroot starch or other coating of choice.
  3. In the bowl of a stand mixer, add the gelatin with 1/2 cup of water. If using a hand mixer use a large bowl for this.
  4. While the gelatin is softening, pour the other 1/2 cup of water in a sauce pan along with the honey and the salt. Turn the burner on medium heat. Slowly bring the mixture to a boil. Place a candy thermometer in the sauce pan and continue to boil the mixture until it reaches 242 degrees (or the soft ball stage). Don't go over 245 degrees. *NOTE* If you're making these at elevation, decrease the cooking temperature by 2 degrees per 1,000 ft.
  5. This could take about 10 min up to 25 minutes depending on how hot the burner is and the size of your pot.
  6. Note: If your pot is too big the sugar syrup will be more likely to burn as the temp will rise too quickly and the thermometer will have trouble reading correctly. If the honey mixture foams up, watch it closely so that it doesn't over flow. You can use a spoon to break up the foam but try not to stir the actual syrup.
  7. When it reaches 240-242 degrees, immediately remove the sauce pan from the heat.
  8. If using a stand mixer, turn it on to low/med. Pour the honey mixture into the bowl in a slow steady stream down the side of the bowl, combining it with the softened gelatin. Pouring "slow" here is very important, otherwise the sugar syrup will be too hot when it hits the gelatin causing the marshmallow mixture to break later when you try to spread it.
  9. Be sure that the syrup and the gelatin are well combined before moving to the next step. If you need to you can even stop and stir the gelatin when half of the sugar syrup is poured, making sure it is getting mixed in and resume pouring.
  10. If using a hand mixer you may want to let the sugar syrup cool down to 225-230 degrees before adding to the gelatin. This is because it is much harder to pour at a slow steady stream while holding a hand mixer.
  11. Turn the mixer to high and continue beating until it becomes thick like marshmallow creme (about 7-10 min). These times will vary depending on the mixer and event the size of bowl used. Either way the marshmallow creme should be cooled down.
  12. Add the vanilla a few minutes before it's done mixing giving it enough time to mix in completely.
  13. Turn off the mixer and transfer the marshmallow creme to the prepared pan. Smooth the top (add more coating if using one). Pat to smooth again if needed.
  14. If you are not using a coating then lightly grease your hands with oil and pat smooth.This will help keep the marshmallow cream from sticking to your fingers. Alternatively you can press it down with parchment paper, leaving it there till the marshmallows are completely set.
  15. Leave the marshmallows to set anywhere from 1 hour to 4-6 hours depending on your gelatin, temp of the syrup and how set you want them. If you want them to look nice and clean after cutting, wait at least 4 hours, even if they seem set.
  16. When set, remove the marshmallows by lifting from the parchment paper flaps.
  17. Cut to desired size and add more coating while cutting if needed and toss them again in some starch once cut for a super nice finish.
  18. For best results allow marshmallows intended for roasting to dry extra long. Once cut, leave them out, covered with a cheese cloth overnight.
  19. Store in an airtight container (jar, bag, container, etc) for 5-7 days, not that they will last that long...
  20. Other coating options: Try all kinds of crushed nuts, coconut, almond flour mixed with spices, cocoa or other starches.
  21. Note: Using a starch works best for coating marshmallows that will be used for roasting or topping sweet potatoes. It helps them to dry out faster and the extra starch helps with the browning process.
  22. If you want to dip the marshmallows in chocolate, melt you chocolate of choice, let cool slightly, and either dip the bottoms or drizzle the chocolate on top. Stick in the fridge for about 5 minutes to let the chocolate harden, then store as mentioned above.
Nutrition Information

Serving Size 1 grams
Amount Per ServingCalories 1113Unsaturated Fat 0gSodium 648mgCarbohydrates 279gSugar 278gProtein 19g

Nutrition is calculated by a third party and may not be 100% accurate

How To Make Paleo Marshmallows - Sugar Free Marshmallow Recipe (2024)


What are sugar-free marshmallows made of? ›

Many sugar free marshmallows contain artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose. Other use maltitol, which can spike blood sugar. However, this recipe is made with natural keto sweeteners, gelatin, water, and a little vanilla extract.

Are sugar-free marshmallows ok for diabetics? ›

Most sugar free desserts or snacks are suitable for those with diabetes. My father, who has type 2 diabetes, regularly enjoys these as part of his diet.

What are the three main ingredients in marshmallows? ›

A typical marshmallow contains sugar, corn syrup, and gelatin, plus some air. That's it. “A marshmallow is basically a foam that's stabilized by gelatin,” says Richard Hartel, a food engineer at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. In marshmallows, the foam is made up of air suspended in a liquid sugar mixture.

What can I substitute for marshmallows in a recipe? ›

Sweet And Sticky Alternatives To Marshmallows

As mentioned before, one-half of the substitute should be an inverted sugar, like honey, maple syrup, golden syrup, or agave syrup. Honey and maple syrup are some of the more common choices, as they're less processed, but other syrups will work fine.

What is a substitute for liquid glucose in marshmallows? ›

Boiled Sugar: Consider using boiled sugar. There are many stages through which the usual type of sugar passes before it reaches caramelizes when heated. The point where sugar changes into a softball can be used as an alternative to liquid glucose.

Can type 2 diabetics eat marshmallows? ›

Marshmallow might decrease blood sugar. Diabetes medications are also used to lower blood sugar. Taking marshmallow along with diabetes medications might cause your blood sugar to go too low. Monitor your blood sugar closely.

Will marshmallows raise your blood sugar? ›

One study suggests marshmallow may lower blood sugar levels.

Is sugar free ice cream OK for diabetics? ›

Is sugar-free ice cream a good choice for people with diabetes? Low sugar and sugar-free ice cream are good options for people with diabetes who are looking to enjoy a sweet treat that will not affect their blood sugar levels as much as regular ice creams would.

Can Muslims eat marshmallows? ›

Foods like jellybeans, marshmallows, and other gelatin-based foods also typically contain pork byproducts and are not considered Halal. Even products like vanilla extract and toothpaste can contain alcohol! Muslims will generally not eat meat that has also come in contact with pork.

How long will homemade marshmallows last? ›

Store homemade marshmallows layered between sheets of wax or parchment paper in an airtight container. If kept in a dry place at cool room temperature, they should keep for about a month. Marshmallows that include mix-ins or that have been dipped in chocolate will have a slightly shorter shelf life.

Why are my homemade marshmallows not fluffy? ›

WHY ARE MY MARSHMALLOWS DENSE? If your sugar syrup goes over 240 even a couple of degrees, your sugar will be too firm and will cause your marshmallows to be hard instead of fluffy.

What can vegans roast instead of marshmallows? ›

Luckily, we have the solution. Toffee Apple Slices are our alternative to marshmallows and kids love them! Granted they're still coated in sugar but kids are getting some fruit down them and this recipe is vegan too.

What are organic marshmallows made of? ›

What are marshmallows made of? Homemade marshmallows rely on two main ingredients – gelatin and sugar. And when it comes to gelatin, I always use Vital Proteins because their gelatin is pasture-raised, grass-fed, non-GMO and gluten-free.

What's the difference between regular marshmallows and vegan marshmallows? ›


This is the magic part of Dandies: no animal products in our marshies! Other marshmallows contain gelatin (it comes from various animals and animal parts). Dandies Marshmallows are proudly plant-based and vegan (just like us)!

Can a diabetic have marshmallows? ›

One study suggests marshmallow may lower blood sugar levels. So people with diabetes should talk to their doctors before taking marshmallow.

Are fat free marshmallows healthy? ›

Marshmallows are a processed food that provides little to no health benefits.

Do all marshmallows have xylitol? ›

Regular marshmallows do not contain harmful ingredients, but sugar free and “diet” marshmallows might. These types of marshmallows typically contain Xylitol, which is an artificial sweetener. Xylitol is extremely toxic to dogs, and even just a small amount of this substance can be fatal to dogs as well.

Is there such thing as gelatin free marshmallows? ›

But, that said, it is possible to buy vegan marshmallows. To replace gelatin, most vegan brands use a seaweed-derived alternative, like carrageenan, a food additive extracted from red edible seaweed, or agar agar, which has a gelatin-like consistency and comes from red algae.

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.